More About Me
I am currently a Ph.D. candidate at Baylor University, dedicated to serving and encouraging others. I am studying Higher Education Studies and Leadership. I hope to continue working alongside like-minded education faculty and staff in higher education, while also discipling students on college and university campuses. I long to be a useful asset wherever God leads me and to use the gifts with which God has blessed me.
I lived most of my life in Little Rock, Arkansas. “The Natural State” is the place I will always call home, but we have come to love Texas as well. I attended Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. A small, private, liberal arts university, Ouachita prepared me well for life after college. I received a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting—you read that correctly: Accounting.
I had the dream of becoming an auditor when I began college. Accounting just made sense. It all clicked right away. I have always been business and administration-minded. I like to keep things organized and I am detail-oriented. Yet, after three years of completing my degree, I felt God gently nudging me in a different direction—toward seminary. After college, I worked for a year in college and young adult ministry while participating in a year-long discipleship program called Downline. These experiences and opportunities allowed me to minister to college students, travel to Israel, and better discern my vocational calling, all while sharpening my tools for my future ministry.
I returned to Ouachita the following year to work as a fundraiser for the university that had given me so much during my time there. Beyond raising over $1,000,000 for the university’s annual fund, we were also able to raise our young alumni giving percentage several points to curb a downward trend all universities are facing in the current fundraising climate. We raised over $2,000,000 in new funds to renovate and extend the building housing our Christian Studies programs. Raising money for Ouachita Baptist University, however, was only one of the highlights of this stage of life.
It was during this time that I married my wife, Caroline. We met and began dating during the final semester of my degree program at Ouachita. She is the light of my life and truly shows me the love and grace of God daily. I certainly do not deserve her love and affection, but I am glad to have it. God’s plan for the two of us is slowly being revealed day-by-day, but there is no one I’d rather be obedient with than Caroline. She supports me in all that I take on, and I can only hope that I return that support to her in all of her endeavors.